Scaling & Root Planing in Sparta

Closeup of dental instrument

Perio Implant Specialists of NJ provides scaling and root planing in Sparta, NJ. To learn more or schedule an appointment, call 973-729-9392.

Scaling and root planing is often used as our first line of defense against mild cases of gum disease. This simple, non-surgical procedure can reverse periodontal disease before any permanent damage has occurred. When gum disease is left untreated, deep periodontal pockets can form where plaque and calculus collect. The bacteria they harbor attacks the jawbone and other supporting tissues, eventually leading to bone and tooth loss. This is why early treatment of gum disease is critical.

Sometimes known as deep cleaning, scaling and root planing is a two-step procedure that begins by removing all plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces above and below the gum line, including the periodontal pockets. This is known as scaling. Local anesthetic is used to ensure your comfort throughout the process. In some cases, an antibiotic medication may be placed in your periodontal pockets to help heal your infection.

Once your tooth surfaces and periodontal pockets have been thoroughly cleaned, root planing is performed. This involves smoothing the roots of your teeth, which encourages your gums to attach, closing the periodontal pockets where bacteria collects. 

You may only need one visit for scaling and root planing, or you may need a few visits to reverse your gum disease. Once your active infection is resolved, you will begin a periodontal maintenance program to keep your gums healthy in the long-term.

Frequently Asked Questions About Scaling and Root Planing

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call 973-729-9392.